Evaluation of the Polar H10 chest strap ECG in patients with a wide spectrum of cardiac diseases

ECG recording from the chest belt, obtained in hospitalized and ambulatory patients with various types of heart rhythm disorders, as well as in healthy controls, can be used in everyday practice to evaluate the basic heart rhythm.
University hospital Olomouc


University hospital Olomouc

The work evaluated the original data from the Polar H10 chest belt. 161 people (54 hospitalized patients, 53 outpatients and 54 healthy people) and a total of 1,153,229 heartbeats were analyzed. When comparing the ECG waveform from the Polar H10 chest strap against a standard 12-lead ECG, the physician reliably determined the baseline heart rhythm in the majority of participants, i.e. 94.4% of inpatients and 100% of outpatients and healthy controls. It can be concluded that the ECG recording from the Polar H10 chest belt can be reliably used in daily medical practice for the assessment of the basic heart rhythm, detection of atrial fibrillation or extrasystole.

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